Monday 31 January 2011

January 2011 part 3

31st Another walk by the river and we see a bullfinch.

"See the bright bullfinch now, high on the apple bough." .. Anthony Rye

Bullfinch (pyrrhula pyrrhula) It is believed they mate for life. They lay 4-5 eggs, feed on seeds, weeds, and berries, feeds caterpillars to their young. Female does not have the rosy breast colouring of the male.
A Grey heron stands by the bridge looking majestic.
"Ye fisher Herons watching eels."  R. Burns

Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea) a striking bird. lays3-5 eggs an eats fish, frogs, eels, insects and water voles.

Sunday 30 January 2011

January 2011 part 2

28th -30th Walks along Babbs Mill and the river. Gulls mob the people with food. a heron flies over head. A magpie carries building material to a nest in a tree and later bathing in river with crows. Also saw robin, jay, grebe, swans, blue tit and a nesting morehen.
 Sadly I was taking this picture as the kingfisher flew passed. What can I say..

Saturday 22 January 2011

January 2011 part1

1st Cold dank misty start to the new year.
3rd Blacbirds are my popular vistors to the garden. One has a beautiful golden /orange bill but 2 other's have dirty grey beaks. This means they are last years brood.
7th Small spinkling of snow. Birds visiting today ; female blackbird, blue tits, cole tits, starlings, robin, great tits,  woodpecker and sparrows. The male house sparrow has grey on top of his head.
 14th First signs of spring in garden primrose in flower, catkins and bulbs sprouting.
 20th and 22nd Spent watching birds . Love seems to be in the air. At least the collared doves think so.