Saturday, 5 February 2011

February part 2

5th another visit to the river and saw male mallard, morehen, long tailed tits, crows bathing in the river and a  pair of grey wagtails flitting about.
Grey Wagtail ( Motocilia cinerea) More colour full than its name suggests. The female builds a nest in a hole close to the water and lays up to 5 eggs. They feed on insects, flies, small beetles and dragonfly nymphs. the song is a shrill "tsee tsee". The males throat is white in the winter and black in the summer.

Thursday, 3 February 2011

February part 1

1stWet start but sunny afternoon. Kingfisher at the river again - what luck!
 "It was a rainbow gave thee birth, and left thee all her lovely hues."   W.H. Davies
They make a piping "chee" call. The males beak is black while the female an orange colour at the bottom.
Also saw a gang of long tailed tits.
3rd Another sighting of the kingfisher my husband is jealous!