Thursday, 5 January 2012

January 2012

Happy New Year
Months of the year .
...Sara Coleridge

January brings the snow, makes the toes and fingers glow.
February brings the rain, thaws the frozen ponds again. 
March brings breezes loud and shrill, stirs the dancing daffodil.
April brings the primrose sweet, scatters daisies at our feet.
May brings flocks of pretty lambs, skipping by their fleecy danes.
June brings tulips, lilies roses, fills the children's hand with posies.
Hot July brings cooling showers of corn, then the harvest home is borne.
Warm September brings the fruit, sportsmen then begin to shoot.
Fresh October brings the pheasant, then to gather nuts is pleasant.
Dull November brings the blast, then the leaves are falling fast.
chill December brings the sleet, blazing fire and Christmas treat.

2nd We visit the nature reserve it is sunny but cold. On the way we see a buzzard and another one flies over when we arrive. The flock of crows is still by the car park. The flock of greylag geese are feeding in the field on the far side of the water, Cormorants, lapwings, teal,various gulls and mallards are on the water. By the 2nd we see 4 snipe feeding and on the feeders greenfinch, great tits and blue tits fight for their rights to feed while below chaffinch, robins and a female pheasant together. They are joined by a squirrel. Two reed bunting's join the throng above.

Gorse is a trumpet song, 
It spikes out of the earth, 
A welcome pain,
It will spear your hands,
It will wound your skin,
Bead you with scarlet,
It is "Iam " in all seasons,
It blares its trumpet song,
Tan-ta-ra to the skies,
It is a still fire,
Yellow on the hillside,
Coldly burning.
Gerard Benson
I take pictures of some lichen on the trees.
 Lichen Xanthoria Parientina is one of several similar species . A foliase fungus consisting of numerous scales or leaf like lobes, often forming circular lobes. It is found on rocks, old walls and tree trunks. Spores are formed in darker patches near the centre.

December 2011 part 2

27th We visit the reserve and the sky looks like its been painted with blue and white stripes.
We see lapwings, teal, greylag geese,  crows and a crowd of cormorants called a flight.
Cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo). Traditionally found on rocky cliffs and estuaries, but can be found on lakes and rivers in winter. They feed on fish .

December 2011

Part 1
3rd Mistletoe day
Mistletoe (Viscus album) A semi-parasitic evergreen plant. Its seeds are implanted into bark of host trees such as apple, popular and hawthorn by birds who wipe off the sticky liquid when eating. The mistletoe sends out a sucker into the sapwood of the tree to gain nourishment. The berries are white and only recognised by a thrush and black caps as food. The male flowers are yellow.
Innumerable legends and beliefs surround it;
It is a plant of the heavens and should never be allowed to touch the ground or it looses its powers.
The Great God Odin was protected by all dangers but was killed by an arrow tipped with mistletoe.
The druids called it the "Golden Bough". A symbol of fertility; perhaps the origin of the rite of kissing beneath it at Christmas.

November 2011

Mild for time of year. Hedgehog still taking food. Woodpecker visiting regularly along with blue tits longtailed tits blue tits. I love watching their antics.
15th Hedgehog food left in feeding box.
Pyracantha is full of berries.
Pyracantha derives its name from the greek pyr meaning fire -( berries) . and akantha for thorns .
Some red admirals still around.
22nd roses still in bloom on some bushes.
25th Starting to feel colder but it has been 9deg above average for this month.

No shade, no shine, no butterflies, no bees,
no fruit, no flowers, no leaves, no birds - November  Thomas Hood
Dedicated to Mom 1930 -2011