April and it's still freezing. Regulars in the garden - 2 longtailed tits, 3 blue tits, 2 great tits, 2 collared doves, 4 pigeons, 2 magpies, a gang of sparrows, 2 male and 1 female blackbirds (one of the males has a white stripe on his wing), 2 dunnocks, 2 robins, 1 male black cap, 1 wren, and several starlings.
The daffodils are in flower so spring must be here!(about 3/4 weeks late I think). Crocus are flowering in the grass verges and catkins are on the trees.
2nd week.
I thought the blackbird with the white stripe on his wing was the dominant bird but another one has been chasing him off all day. The female has been collecting nesting material from my untidy garden.
13th 3 dunnocks have been flitting around the garden. One of them the female I think has been fluttering her wings at the others. It isn't at all unusual for a female to have 2 males in attendance.
4 goldfinch in the garden today and buds on the trees.
14th Female greater spotted woodpecker feeding in garden today. 1st bee and butterfly of the year. Daffodils and celandine in flower and daisies in the grass. Also blackthorn blossom on the trees.
19th Both a male and female blackcap in the garden today.
Blackthorn blossom
female blackcap
2 hedgehogs in the garden , one is making lots of hissing noises at the other. I think its the female telling the male she's not ready to mate.
26th A return visit to Somers wood. caravan park.
On the way the clouds are like cotton wool balls in the sky and I see my first swallows of the summer.As we arrive there are blue tits, great tits and chaffinch on the feeders and as we reach our pitch a buzzard fly's over head.
27th We go for a walk in the sun but it soon turns into hail and rain and thunder so we go back to the van.
We fill up the feeder by the van and watch as chaffinch, blue tits, great tits, dunnocks, pigeons, magpies and a nuthatch all feed. 2 robins have a face off on the ground.
Squirrels and rabbits are close by.