Tuesday, 31 August 2010

August Part 4

14th The blackberry is bearing fruit and the pryracantha berries are starting to turn orange. Still a couple of day's to go but St Swithan semms to have got it right with subshine and showers for 40 days.
22nd ate blackberry and apple pie. yum.
"If the 24th of august be fair and clear, then hope for a properous autumn that year."
24th wasnt fair and clear so not a properous autumn unless you are wildlife as all the hedges seem filled with berries .
26th Squirrel in garden. It is very wet.
27th Young robin seems to be visiting the garden with the sparrows.
28th Adult robin in garden looking ready for his christmas card photo's. 3 great tits also looking very smart.
31st Sunny end to August.

Thursday, 12 August 2010

August part 3

7th Two young robins are in the garden eating meal worms. The peace does'nt last long before one chases off the other.
8th One of the robins is back sitting on the fence bobbing up and down as if the garden is now his. The two collared doves have had a good feed from the table. A young pigeon has arrived-  it doesn't have the white patches on it's neck like mum and dad.
We have put a hedgehog box out with food inside. Only a cats nose pokes in at the entrrance.
Picked the last of my raspberries and cut the old canes down, the new canes already look strong so i hope next year's crop will be good.
12th Baby frogs jumping around in garden and resting in the undergrowth. Butterflies are feeding on the buddleia.
A dragonfly came into the conservatory.
Goldenringed Dragonfly
100mm a hawk will hover over small streams from May- Sept.

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

August part 2

3rd Spent the day chasing butterflies with my camera with some success.
Peacock (Inachisio)
56-68mm Mainly seen from July. Over winters as an adult. Loves buddleia (as above) and knapweed. The caterpillar feeds on nettles and is black with white spots with black spines.
Red Admiral (vanessa atalanta)
56-68mm Common in meadows, gardens, hedgerows and orchards. over winters as an adult. The caterpillar is black with brown and yellow spines and feeds on nettles.
 Holly Blue (Celastrina argiolus)
20-32mm Common in gardens and hedgrows as it rests and feeds on holly and ivy. The caterpillar is green with markings of light and dark green.

Sunday, 1 August 2010

August part one

"Fairest of months! Ripe Summers Queen.
The hey-day of the year with robes that gleam with sunny sheen,
sweet August doth appear. ...R. Combe Miller.

1st An overcast start to the new month.
Mouse feeding on feeder in the blossom tree.

Wood Mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus)
Probably the most widespread and abundant British mammal. Breeding starts in March and the female may bear four litters each of 5 babies in one year. Their lifespan is only 2 years. They eat manily seeds, nuts, shoots and buds ,but will also eats a variety of insects.