Tuesday, 3 August 2010

August part 2

3rd Spent the day chasing butterflies with my camera with some success.
Peacock (Inachisio)
56-68mm Mainly seen from July. Over winters as an adult. Loves buddleia (as above) and knapweed. The caterpillar feeds on nettles and is black with white spots with black spines.
Red Admiral (vanessa atalanta)
56-68mm Common in meadows, gardens, hedgerows and orchards. over winters as an adult. The caterpillar is black with brown and yellow spines and feeds on nettles.
 Holly Blue (Celastrina argiolus)
20-32mm Common in gardens and hedgrows as it rests and feeds on holly and ivy. The caterpillar is green with markings of light and dark green.