Sunday, 21 March 2010

4th March 2010

4th- Saw a wren in the garden today and a thrush down the road. I haven't seen a thrush for ages. The Blackbird is eating the meal worms by the beak full
8th Pigeon is carrying nesting material.
lots of "pairs" in the garden: blackbirds, robins, blue tit, great tit, long tailed tits, Cole tits, goldfinch, collared doves, pigeons and a gang of sparrows.

Goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis) A group is called a "charm" I quite agree.
They lay 4-6 eggs and eat seeds and insects.
12th 6 Longtailed tits dashing around. It's madness for a while.
15th Found a juicy caterpillar outside.
17th First large bee of the season.
21st Wet weekend First butterfly of season, a painted lady I think. My daffodils in flower.