Friday 15 October 2010

October part 3

15th Lots of activity in he garden - a gang of sparrows, robin, a young pigeon eating berries, 5 blue tits and a cole tit.
The last week of October we return to the cottage in Shropshire. Leading up to the cottage a covering of leaves gives off a bejewelled glow on the ground where the sunlight hits them below the trees canopy. Lots of pheasants around making a commotion. I saw 18 in the field all strutting their stuff while at the same time looking around anxiously. it is hunting season.
 Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus). The Pheasants true home is Asia it was introduced here in the 18th century.It is well established as a wild bird but is also breed for hunting. The hen is less colourful and lays 8-15 pale olive eggs. They feed on fruit, seeds, leaves,  insects, lizards, field voles and small birds.

.The Buzzards also pronounce their ownership of the skies above.
They are majestic and come quite close banking then flying away. One lands in a tree close by.
Rain tracks across the field opposite with the sun shining there is a magical glow. The trees look they are lit with fairy lights.