Thursday 2 September 2010

September part 1

"September blows soft till the fruits in the loft."
1st starts sunny and warm. both the old and young robin have been today along with the sparrows and the collared doves and lots of brown and white butterflies.

 Speckled wood (Pararge aegeria)
In flight from March. The caterpillar is darkgreen and yellow stripped. In Europe the spots are orange here they are creamy white.

2nd Went for a walk along the river after tea, saw some mallard ducks, a heron, which flew over us before landing in the river to fish. Best of all however we had 3 sightings of a kingfisher. The flash of blue and red was unmistakeable. To fast for a picture sadly. We also saw a lardge red dragonlfy catch food on the wing.