Friday 17 June 2011

June 2011 part 3

On a visit to the nature reserve we were told of sightings of fox cubs so one night we set out to find them.  We walked to were they had been seen and as we rounded the corner the vixen and 2 cubs also rounded the corner at the bottom of a small incline. On spotting us she hissed and they ran away. We backed off down the path from were we came found a log to sit on and waited. After awhile  a small cub appeared on the opposite side of the path, he sniffed around for quite some time until disappearing in the undergrowth.     
Cubs are born in a den and they stay together as a family all summer when the dog foxes leave to find their own territory.
Not only did we see the cubs but a muntjac deer also appeared in the undergrowth.
Muntjac (muntiacus reevesi) The smallest British deer with a glossy red/brown summer coat and rounded back.The buck has short antlers and fang-like teeth. Females can give birth every 7 months. They are most often seen at dusk, feeding on grass, brambles, ivy, yew and other plants. The fawns are born with spotted coats which fade by 8 weeks. The male has a territory that includes several does.