13th Rain all day with lots of birds visiting the feeders; goldfinch, blue tits, great tits, sparrows, starlings and a blackbird on the ground.
17th Spent a beautiful hour watching 7 young blue tits coming and going on the feeders. They were joined by 3 young great tits, male and female sparrows and a squirrel on the ground. This time reminds me to...
"Remember the magic of ordinary days". I don't know who said this but I often stop to " enjoy the magic."
Great tit fledgling (Parus major) Nest is made from moss lined with hair or fur. The female incubates a clutch of 7-8 eggs for 15 days. The young are fed by both parents and fledge after 18 days, being fed for a further 4-6 days for the 1st brood , the 2nd brood maybe fed longer.
18th Very showery today. "A dripping June keeps all in tune". The showers are badly needed.
Love them or loathe them 5 Magpies keep visiting the garden to feed. The 4 young are not quite as black/blue and shiny as the parent.
Magpie ( pica pica) Nest winter begins in winter and consists of twigs and mud. 5-6 eggs are laid from late March. The female incubates them for 20 days the young leave the nest after 26 days and stay with the family for a further 6 weeks.
2 young blackbirds are also begging from dad, sometimes they are lucky but they are feeding themselves- to my raspberries!