Monday, 2 July 2012

May 2012 part 1

May is starting sunshine and showers. Dandelions are in full bloom. Dandelions are part of nature's medicine cabinet. The vitamin A and iron rich leaves are at their best in spring and can be added to salads along with the flower buds. The roots can be used in stir-fries. traditionally used to treat liver problems as the plant has a diuretic effect so will help the body expel excess fluid.
On a wildlife note Twits rely heavily on their seeds to eat.
5th arrived home and tried to open the gate only to find the hedgehog was behind it! I left her some food and after time she ate it all up.
6th This morning the hedgehog is asleep between our bins.

Sunny today 4 starlings making lots of noise in the garden, 4 goldfinch on sunflower seed and niger seed, great tits and blue tits visit, dunnocks, sparrows and robins also here.
12th /13th Beautiful weekend watching all my usuals visiting the garden. A pair of sparrows are mating in the blossom tree and stay most of the afternoon. At 9:40 2 Bats fly overhead the bat detector was on 43khz. the hedgehog appeared at 10pm.