Monday, 26 April 2010

20th April

20th - Saw a thrush while out driving today.
22nd Reappearance of goldfinch in garden.
25th- First flower on apple tree and first strawberry flower.
Sunny today we went to Kingsbury water park. We saw blue tits, great tits, sparrows, pied wagtail, various butterflies,great crested grebe, tuffed duck, mallards, mute swan, Canada geese and black headed gulls mating.
26th- Showery Cole tit and great tit in garden.

Cole tit (Prus ater)
Sexes are both alike. Lays 6-11 eggs. Feeds on insects and seeds.
"This tiny son of life; this spright"... Walter de la Mare

Great tit (Parus major)
Our largest tit and familiar in gardens. Lays 8-12 eggs. Eats seeds and insects.
"Teacher, teacher, teacher,. That's your song"...Robin Ivy
April ends with a day of sunshine and showers.