"The Cuckoo comes in April,
he sings his song in May.
In the middle of June he changes his tune.
In July he flies away."
1st Sun and showers.
2nd - 2 robins at the meal worms. The bushes and trees are all in bud.
7th - The crows are building a nest in a large tree at the back of the garden. I watched as they flew in with twigs of assorted sizes finding each a place on the nest.
The phlox is in flower- bright pink against the gravel.
Lots of bird song and butterflies around. I must learn to identify them.
Heard a Tawny Owl last night.
13th Sparrows collecting nesting material.
Male blackbirds fighting over territory.
The robin has come down to eat the meal worms while I sit still in the garden.
Robin(Enthacus rubecula)
Both sesxes are alike and very aggresive. They lay 5-6 eggs and eat insects, worms, seeds, fruit and berries.