Sunday, 24 April 2011

April part 10

Nature reserve part 2
Ostercatchers gave us a flying display with three flying together in unison over the water before one lands close enough for a photo.
63cm Black and white plumage with long orange beak which enables it to prize open shell fish and probes the mud for food. Seen at the shore and on lakes and rivers. lays 2-3 pale buff eggs with blotches. Feeds on mussels and other mollusc's , crustacea, worms and insects.
Canada Goose (Branta canaderisis) Present all year they are sociable birds nesting togrther close to marshes and pasture. Laying 5-6 dirty white eggs. Feeding on vegetation- chiefly grass and some insects.
Hawthorn or may(crataegus monogyna) a small spiny tree growing in hedgerows and at the edge of woods. white flowers grow in dense fragrant clusters and have purple stamens when leaves are out. The wood makes good charcoal.
                                      "Hedgerows all alive,
                                       With birds and gnats and large white butterflies.
                                      Which look as if the Mayflower had caught life
                                      and palpitated forth upon the wind....E.B. Browning