Sunday, 24 April 2011

April part 9

Marsh Lane Nature Reserve 17th
From the first hide we managed to see a Lapwing and Wheatear.
Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus) Or peewit. Named after the sound of its song or lapping song of his wings during the aerial display of the courting male. They feed over farmland on insects and may join other waders on the coast. Lays 4 olive/buff eggs heavily marked with black.
                                          "Whizz goes the pewit o'er the ploughman's team.
                                            With many a whew and whirl and sudden scream...John Clare

Wheatear (oenenthe oenanthe ) A visitor here from March - October. Lives in open country, from high moors to the coast. Nests in holes in the ground or in walls and rocks. Lays 6 pale blue eggs. Feeds on insects an larvae, spiders, centipedes and snails.