Sunday 8 May 2011

May 2011 part 2

Still at the reserve we see a flock of starlings, red shank, a pair of cormorants and swallows giving us their special display. We also see my first Yellow Wagtail.
Yellow Wagtail (Motacilla flava) A summer visitor arriving in April, leaving in September. They breed in both river valley's and water meadows or on dry healths, moreland and often on arable land. Often feeding among cattle on insects, beetles and larvae. The female is duller than the male. Laying 5-6 eggs.
We also see a Ringed Plover
Ringed Plover ( Chardrius hiaticula) Ringed Plovers breed all around our coast and on arable land. They will distract an enemy by feigning a broken wing. Nesting in scrapes in the ground which is lined with pebbles. Laying 4 eggs. Feeds on molluscs, crustacea, insects, worms and some vegetable matter.