Sunday 22 May 2011

May 2011 part 8

While putting food out for the hedgehog I heard a commotion at the back of the garden. Crashing through the undergrowth and hissing loudly the first hedgehog appeared followed by a second. Whenever the second hedgehog got too close the first would hiss loudly and the second would run for cover. This went on for over an hour. Both hogs managed to feed at different times and when both had ran for cover I left them to it. I didnt see my female again for over a week but I'm glad to report she is back.
During a walk by Packington Ford surrounded by birdsong I spotted a bird singing from a perch with his whitethroat fanning out with song. ( a clue to his name)
Whitethroat (Sylvia communis) Males often perch on top of a bush to sing. One of our common warblers. Found in country lanes, hedges and woodland borders. Visiting us from April - Sept. feeds on insects and their larvae, spiders and fruit. Lays 4-5 eggs.
We watched swallows flying acrobatically around the buildings, a heron flew past a and a buzzard's soared above. While in the trees and bushes bluetits, chaffinch and goldfinch sang.