23rd Home farm Hereford . The Autumn Equinox. - The same amount of day as night.
Sunny but windy. The swallows and pied wagtails are still here. We have beautiful views over the countryside from this pitch.
24th Watching the pied wagtails while eating my breakfast I wonder if they compensate for the wind or just fly like crazy against it? I think as some are blown off course they just fly like crazy sometimes winning and sometimes not. On our walk we see loads of blackberries, hips on the hawthorn and flowers on the ivy, where flies are gathering a vital last source of nectar.
Blackberry jam
Put 900g of blackberries into a large pan
Add 50ml water, 1 1/2 tsp lemon juice and bring to the boil.
Simmer for 15 mins until friut is soft,
Add 900g of golden granulated sugar.
Stir over a low heat until sugar has dissolved.
Raise heat bring to a rolloing boil for 10-12 mins
DO NOT STIR until setting point of 105 deg C is reached.
Remove from heat skim off scum.
Stir in knob of butter leave for 15mins to settle.
Pour into sterilized jars, label, seal and enjoy.
from Good Food Mag 2009.
25th 2 pairs of buzzards in one direction and a group of 8 in another in the skies above us stunning.
While packing up to come home Andy spots a hen harrier in the sky and calls me to look. It stays for quite a while scanning the fields around the van we dont mind the interuption.
Hen harrier ( Circus cyaneus) Usually seen alone but will gather in winter roots. Lives in heather moors, conifer plantations, lowland farms, river valleys and coastal marshes. Feeds on small birds, voles mice and rabbits. Lays 4-5 eggs.