Saturday, 7 April 2012

March 2012 part 1

1st A beautiful day daffodils are in flower.
3rd Driving back home from friends we see a meteor:  A piece of rock that travels through space until it falls within the gravitation field of a star or planet.
Blackthorn is in blossom , the first of the blossoms to appear.
13th Dads bush is covered in ladybirds. I think they shelter through the winter inside it. 2 ravens fight in the garden and sparrows are carrying nesting material.
15th Robin feeding mate in the garden.

 19th Trip to the wood on the nature reserve. We heard 2 woodpeckers, saw several blue tits, great tits, lesser celendine in flower and a tiny white flower carpeting the ground.
Common Chickweed ( Stellaria media) A world wide annual weed that has tiny white flowers. The seeds can be eaten by birds.
We also see 3 buzzards, a group of greylag geese, a small group of canada geeses, a wren, 4 blackbirds and this hole dug by a tree . What animal did this ?