24th In the afternoon we went back to the kite feeding station we visited in the summer. They tell us that they feed different birds on different days and there is a pecking order with different birds arriving at different times, a 'blond' kite arribed in a later batch of feeders. They feed them in the afternoon so they still hunt in the mornings.
A crowd of crows and rooks linned upon the fence to wait their turn.
25th We walk along the river to the bridge we see chaffinch chasing around, blue tuts, a wren, a robin, blackbirds,, rooks gathering mud from the river banks and 2 cole tits collecting moss and grass then dissapearing into a crevise onbetween two stones at the top of the bank. A pellet lies under a tree the locals tell us it belongs to a tawny owl.
As we pack up 3 buzzards soar overhead causing a panic in the rookery.
26th Back home and the first sighting this year of a hedgehog.
29th 4 goldfinch and 2 longtailed tits in the garden.
31st After a week of record highs March ends with a frost.