The higher view point was another major trek away but the views were better. The male had come to join the female- sitting on top of the dead tree the nest was in. Both were still small through the scope.
On a gaunt and shattered tree.
By the black cliffs of obsidian
I saw the nest of the Osprey.
Nothing remained of the tree.
For this lonely Eyre
Save the undaunted bole
That cycles of the wind has assaulted
And clinging still to the bole,
Tenacious the top most branches.
Here to scan the heavens,
Nested the Osprey.
Jessie B. Rittenhouse
The female has been here since 2000, the male is new this year and is her son from 3 years ago. 3 eggs were laid but only one has hatched. The nest is the size of a double bed and lined with moss. The first they built was blown down so a new platform was put up for them.
That night the mountains turned from black to red in the setting sun, only to turn black again when the sun had set.