Osprey (pandion haliaetus)
Generally seen alone except at the nest sight. Often perches on dead trees in the feeding area. In flight its body and wings are larger than a buzzard and its wings appear kinked at the joint. The body has white underparts with a brown breast band. The vast majority of food is fish but will also eat small mammals, reptiles and amphibians. They leave their breeding grounds in mid August and head south, arriving in Africa in late September.
5th It was so wet today a couple of oystercatchers and mallards are feeding on the field the caravan is in.
6th More osprey action as we returned to the lake. The female flew passed us carrying a fish away from the nest sight with the male screeching above her and following. They both returned later still carrying the fish.
A great week bird spotting.
10th 2 young great tits in the garden, young blue tit, goldfinch and young starlings. The hedgehog came around 7pm.
15th Several young birds in the garden today- blackbird, collard dove, bluetit, great tit , goldfinch- it is still very wet!
19th Poem
8 starlings come in fighting ,crashing.
while 4 blue and great tits arrive on silent wings.
3 goldfinch twitter their arrival,
while 3 blackbirds call a single note as they feed.
A robin comes and tuts while bobbing.
The sparrows cheep and chirp in the tree.
The dunnock is as quiet as a mouse,
while the pigeon blunders about.
The hedgehog visits around 8
And a jay flies in much to my surprise.
This is the story of this sunrise.
.P. Beach
27th Weather - beautiful at last. Glad to see the greenfinch and chaffinch again. The Jay came again and after an absence the cole tit has returned. No sign of the hedgehog for 3 nights.
28th Thunderstorm and torrential rain. I 've never seen the river so high.
30th It's been the wettest April - June since records began,