Year starts quite sunny which is unusual at the moment.
2nd Andrew startled a blackbird which flew up the road in front at him at 48 mph.
12th Visitors in the garden 4 longtailed tits, 2blie tits, 2 great tits, 2 collared doves, 3 pigoens, 1 magpie and a robin.
13th[14th firtys flurry of snow of the year, filled up the bird table and water.
18th deep snow today 2 fieldfares in the garden. The robins breast looks very red against the snow. a sparrowhawk comes for a meal but misses this time.
8 inches of snow on the ground. 2 fieldfare still eating the apples i'm putting out for them. There are plenty of garden visitors.
19th A huge icicle hangs from the roof .
Before I melt, come look at me,
this lovely icy filigree,
of a great forest in one night .
I make a wilderness of white.