October starts with mixed weather but there is more of a nip in the air.
2nd Saw a young boy with his dad collecting conkers it brought back memories from both my childhood and my childrens. The leaves are turning to autumn colours.
7th A gang of 7 starlings in the garden, 3 greenfinch, 6 longtailed tits, a great tit, 2 blue tits, a dunnock, 2 pigeons fighting, 2 collared doves, a magpie and a squirrel.
Friday 26th - Wed 31st Bidford - on -Avon
Small CL sight by the river. Lovely autumn colours on the journey. On the very first day we see a kingfisher - He now has a better picture then me.
2 swans regularly feed on the grass on the river back. as do 4 morehens.
There is a tangle of dogwood with white berries and red berries near the van where a blackbird and a robin are feeding on the berries. On the feeder I see my first tree sparrow.
Tree sparrow (passer montanus) Not as common as the house sparrow they have a black spot on their cheeks. Lives in open woodland, farmland, parks and orchards where there are hedgerows. They eat seeds from grasses, cultivated cereals and small invertebrates. It nests in holes and crevices in trees, buildings and cliffs. Both adults build the nest while the female will lay 5 -6 eggs, with 2 - 3 broods a year.