Thursday, 3 November 2011

October 2011 part 1

 "Now Autumn 's fire burns slowly along the woods,
and day by day the dead leaves fall and melt." W. Allingham
October starts with the weather 10deg above average. By the end of the first week the breezy weather has started the fall of the leaves. However when the sun is out it is still beautifully warm.
9th Blue and Great tits feeding in the garden as well as the female G.S. Woodpecker. The orange pyracantha berries look like jewels in the hedge. Just like last year there are lots of berries in general around so are we in for another bad winter? Found a woodpecker feather on the ground.
11th Both male and female G.S. Woodpeckers in garden.
12th Dovedale Derbyshire on the river we see 5 dippers. Startling one when we arrive, then seeing a pair and 2 others, one of which chased the other one away. I love the way they bob up and down.
 Dipper (cinclus cinclus) Stands on rocks bobbing in the water. Will walk ,swim and dive below the surface of the water to search for food. They hold their territory throughout the year. The song a "zit zit" can be heard over the sound of the water. Mainly eats small invertebrates. Lays 4-5 eggs