Thursday, 3 November 2011

October 2011 part 5

25th Home local reserve. First new sighting here is a Shoverler duck.
Shoveler(Anas clypeata) Can be found in marshes or lowland grassland close to shallow water and reservoirs. Feeds on crustaceans, snails, insects and their larvae, seeds and leaves of water plants. Nests on the ground close to water and lays 9-11 eggs from April.
I count over 100 lapwings and loads of Canada geese and in amongst them is a barnacle goose- another 1st
Barnacle Goose ( Branta leucopsis) Can be found on coastal low-lands , estuaries and near farmland. Usually seen in noisy flocks. Grazes on vegetation, leaves, stems and seeds. It nests in the Artic.
We also see a blue hawker dragonfly and a red(male) and a grey(female ) darter dragonfly.
Amongst the hedge are a holly is full of berries and a spindle berry is also present.
Spindle berries grow on the spindle tree or bush (Euonymus europaeus) Found throughout Europe. The seeds are poisonous. The wood is used to make knitting needles, pegs and toothpicks, makes excellent charcoal.
At the oak hide we see chaffinches, 3 male and 3 female pheasants, blue tits , great tits and green finch.
29th Local river
"9 long tailed tits fly into view, 3 magpies and a blackbird too, 7 mallards float on by , while across the water  3 pigeons fly,  a robin sings and a blue tit plays and in glides a heron to complete this phrase." P Beach 
Water levels  are low. Back home a female blackbird eats the pyracantha berries.
It has been the 7th warmest October in 100 years.