Thursday, 3 November 2011

October 2011 part 3

21st Back at Home Farm Hereford. Sunny but windy 6 Buzzards are riding the wind  effortlessly over head they really are beautiful powerful birds. The field now is home to a flock of sheep. They have black faces and black legs - just like I used to draw when I was a child.
Suffolk sheep (ovis domestic) A large powerful sheep suitable for meat it had become internationally popular. Ewes weigh about 82kg, rams up to 135kg. Lambs are born as early as Nov or Dec.
Several flocks of birds fly over one of which contains redwings which are coming back to our shores along with fieldfares for the winter.
 Redwings (Turdus iliscus) arrives in October and stays until March. Can be found in hedges and orchards or parkland and gardens. A rather shy bird that is sociable outside the breeding season. Feeds on wind fall apples and berries in winter but will eat worms, snails and insects. Only a few pairs breed here and they lay 4-5 eggs.