Monday, 8 August 2011

August 2011 part 1

Holidays in Shropshire day 1
Greeted by a mass of juvenile pheasants on the roads and in the fields as we get closer to our cottage. Sadly it's nearly the "glorious 12th" so I hope they are enjoying themselves.
Pheasants ( Phasianus colchicus) Prefer to live on the ground but will roost in trees or bushes. A cock Pheasant often as a harem of 2 or more females. Nesting on the ground amongst vegetation lays 10-14 eggs between March - June and are incubated by the female. Young hatch after 23-28 days and brooded by the female  they can feed themselves. By 12 days they can lift off the ground if danger threatens and are fully independent at 80 days.
A squirrel sits in the tree and rabbits feed in the field. An adult male Pheasant visits the garden briefly and above a Buzzard flies over harrying a crow.