Monday, 8 August 2011

August 2011 part 2

Holiday day 2
Open the curtains to 2 Buzzards flying across the line of trees down the valley. Good Morning!
A Pied wagtail is in the car park as we drive to the Red Kite centre. AMAZING!!
100 -200 Kites flying around, hanging in the air and swooping down to collect the food off the floor with their talon's. A white Kite appeared amongst them and joined in the frenzy. I took time to put the camera down to enjoy the hole experience.

Red Kite (Milrus milrus) Breeds in mature but open deciduous woodland. Hunts in farmland and moorland and will scavenge. Eats mainly carrion including dead sheep, earthworms, mammals, rats ,mice, voles,small rabbits, birds and reptiles.