Wednesday, 10 August 2011

August 2011 part 5

Day 5 It's raining but there is a lot of activity in the garden: Male and female greater spotted wood peckers, 3 juvenile robins, 2 thrushes, male blackbird, blue tit, great tit, pied wagtails, juvenile chaffinch and a juvenile nuthatch.
Nuthatch (Sitta europaea) Nests in natural holes in trees, the hole is reduced in size by the female adding mud while the nest is filled with bark and leaves. The 6-8 eggs are laid in April- May and are incubated by the female for 17 days. The young are fed for 23 days before fledgling . They sometimes have 2 broods.
Later we go on a trip to Lake Vyrnwy and see an adult Nuthatch.
Adult Nuthatch. An elusive bird that can be very vocal with a 'tuit, tuit' call. Its action on trees is distinctive as it is the only bird that moves head down on the trunk. In winter the resident pair will defend their territory. Found in deciduous woodland, mature woods , established parkland with old trees. Feeds mainly on insects like small beetles and spiders. In autumn and winter will eat berries and seeds. It's name comes from wedging nuts into  the bark of a tree and hammering it open.