Wednesday, 10 August 2011

August 2011 part 7

Lake Vyrnwy
Another bird and a first spot for me is the beautiful Siskin.
Siskin (Cardaelis spinus) Found in coniferous forests, mixed woodland and plantations. Outside the breeding season it visits birch and alder trees, often near water. Mostly feeds at the tops of trees on seeds from tree tops and wildflowers. Will eat small insects in winter.
The female is duller in colour a is the juvenile.
Nesting season depends on the food supply. The small nest is is a neat cup shape built by the female from conifer twigs, grass, heather, moss, and spiders webs. The female incubates the 3-5 eggs . Both adults feed the young, which fly at 15 days. They usually have 2 broods.
"And the small mad Siskins flit by
Flying upward in little skips and erractic leaps...
...and I seem to lean forward,
As my eyes follow after
Their sunlight leaping.                  Theodore Roethlee
7th August a sunny day is suddenly interrupted by THUNDER, LIGHTENING AND HAIL!!