19th Visit to the reserve and we are pleased to see 3 young herons all fluffed up against the colder day.
Young heron ( Ardea cinerea) Grey Heron's breed in colonies in a large nest of sticks built at the top of a tree by both adults. 3-4 eggs are incubated for 25- 27 days . The young are brooded for about 18 days when they leave the nest and clamber in the branches. From 70 days they will start to disperse from the colony.
We also see a tufted duck on the pond.
"As for the duck. I think God must have smiled a bit seeing those bright eyes blink on the day He fashioned it. And He's probably laughing still at the sound that came out of its bill!
Tufted Duck (Aythya fuligula ) Smaller than the Mallard . A diving duck, diving with a distinctive jump. Forms flocks outside the breeding season. Breeds on inland lakes, flooded gravel pits and reservoirs. Eats food from the bottom of lakes or rivers like, mussels, shrimps, crustaceans, insect and vegetation.
We also see greenfinch, great tits, and a beautiful blue dragonfly with damaged wings.